Dagorhir Chaos Wars
(C/O Address)

August 18, 1997

Dear Parent or Guardian,

You are probably reading this letter at the request of your son or daughter who has been taking part in a local Dagorhir, Battle Guard, or other padded combat group. Before making any decision on whether to permit your son or daughter to attend the Dagorhir Chaos Wars we encourage you to familiarize yourself with all the literature we have provided. Read through the combat rules and discuss them with your son or daughter. Go with your son or daughter to the local combat practice to get a first hand feel of what it involves.

As you consider your decision please realize there were four minor injuries at the 1997 Dagorhir Chaos Wars. Those injuries were 2 bloody noses, one scratched face, and one torn ligament at a knee. The first three accidents were caused by head hits which are illegal under the rules of Dagorhir. We continue to work with local groups to help them find ways to increase the skill levels of their players to avoid head hits. The scratched face was caused when wire frame glasses were hit and broken. The final injury occurred when the player was running through brush. This older player had indicated that his leg had already been giving him some problems and he probably should not have been participating in the battle.

We encourage all players to consider some simple safety precautions such as wearing knee pads, sports glasses (for those who need glasses), and a cup for male players.

In order for your son or daughter to participate in the Dagorhir Chaos Wars it is required that we have a signed and notarized waiver from you. Unfortunately in today's society it is a legal necessity. Do not be frightened by the waiver contents, we have listed the specific injuries from 1997 so you would have some context by which to make your decision. It is our desire that 1998 have even fewer injuries then 1997.

Finally we would like to extend and invitation to yourself to come join us at the 1998 Dagorhir Chaos Wars. Your invitation is not to just come and camp and feast with us, but to join us on the battle field participating in "the Adult Alternative Sport."

The Chaos War Council